Monday, July 26, 2010

So Tired!

The good news is, my illness is being treated. I used to feel sick daily, even though I was feeling better. And feeling sick so much led to me feeling sleepy and napping all the time.

Now, though, I'm very energetic. I want to be out and doing things all the time to make up for the 6ish years that I was dragging my feet or bedridden. It's pretty great, overall. It'd be even better if I put a big percentage of this energy towards cleaning my house and other chores. But I've been more involved in the community, getting out with friends, checking off more things on my Life List... things are fun these days.

The problem is that I just can not sleep! I've been working longer days than I'm used to, then going out and I'm exhausted. But I come home and unwind, read a book, turn the lights off when my eyes feel droopy.... and I lay there. I stretch my legs, I change positions, I fluff up my pillow... nothing works. For several nights, I've been laying there until somewhere around 3 AM. The latest has been 4, and that was on a day when I had to be awake at 8 with two commitments after work.

Despite the little sleep that day, I was chipper and had fun.

But now, seriously. The lack of sleep is getting frustrating. On the outside, I'm okay. People have been giving me compliments on my positive attitude and how they enjoyed visiting the library because I was so chipper and nice. But I'm so exhausted on the inside!

I just want some sleep!!

To curl up in my bed, under my amazing fuzzy blanket, my tiny dog cozied up on my side and to fall in a nice, deep, satisfying sleep.

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