Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hippy to the Hippy to the Hip hip hop

Ay! I'm not so good at posting everyday, now, am I?

So, as I stated earlier, I began a dance class on November 3rd. We will meet every Monday at 9:00 at night. This, alone, is a big deal for me. On a normal night, I am in my pajamas and ready for bed at 9:00 (okay, maybe 8:00) and if there is a show that I want to watch that starts at 9 *cough*thehills*cough*, it takes a lot of will power for me to stay up. I really like to be in bed at 9 with a book until I can't keep my eyes open any longer.

On more than one occasion, The Husband has suggested that we run to the store, and before looking at the clock, I have looked at him incredulously and said, "I can't do that! It's practically time for bed! Do you know what time it--" and then I will look at the clock and see that it is only 7 o'clock. As a child, my neighbors were just finishing dinner at this hour. So when I see that I have no argument, I will begrudgingly get out of my sweats and into something that looks like I've been acting like a lively 26-year-old and we'll dash to the store.

So in order to be awake enough to dance at 9, I have decided to take an afternoon nap. That's what I did last week, and it worked. When 9 o'clock rolled around, I slapped on some sweats designed just for people with short legs, a dancing tank top that I bought for just $1 ($1!!) at WalMart, and my work out shoes. I then drove out to the boonies to the National Dance Academy that is located on the edge of a gorgeous neighborhood that I never knew existed until that day.

I hopped out of my car in a way that said, "I've done this before. I'm totally an experienced dancer." as I walked against a current of preteens who were piling out of the building and into minivans. It was the first time I stood in the building, because I was told I could pay after my first class, and I wasn't immediately sure which studio to go to... until I saw 30-somethings walking straight ahead into the first studio I saw. I followed them and asked if that was the beginners hip-hop course, and BINGO, I was right.

There were about 10 other ladies with me, in their 30s and 40s, all shapes and sizes. Our instructor looks to be about my age and is really friendly and bubbly. I was feeling comfortable right away. We started our 40-minute class with about 10 minutes of yoga-like stretches. I was digging that. I was mostly happy to see that I'm still pretty flexible. I've still got it!

After that, we started a new dance routine. I was relieved that they were starting something new, since I've missed the first seven classes. She must make a new routine each month. Now, this routine goes a little something like: step, step, snake your body, clap, turn, repeat with the left, repeat with the right, repeat with the left, ball change left, throw your arms, ball change right, throw your arms, ball change left, throw your arms, ball change right, throw your arms, feet shoulder length apart, arms straight down, sway four times, turn backwards (this all has a name, but I don't know what it is) and end. That's the beginning of the routine that we've learned so far, and I trust you follow.

I was really slow to learn. I can hardly remember what I just did five minutes ago, literally, so this was hard for me to catch on. I kept forgetting about the turns, which, as some may know, are done by crossing your legs and twisting yourself around. When I forgot about the turns, I found myself just walking in a circle, much like a dog chasing its tail. I also sometimes forgot to snake my body before the clap, so I would be the only student of all of us to clap and hear it echo around the room, over the music... I hoped people would just be so focused on themselves that they didn't hear it. And every time, when we finished, I was one beat behind everyone else. By the time the instructor turned around to see what we thought, I was still finishing.

Plus, we obviously had to keep practicing so we could get the steps down, and by the end of the class, the world was spinning after all of those turns.

Soooo, I'm not really good. BUT, I absolutely love it. I've practiced everyday this week and have improved (and lost a pound, to boot!). I like the music, the challenge, the exercise, and that I don't have to be the best at it. The point is just to have fun, get exercise, try my best to learn what I can and be capable of laughing at myself when I'm not quite there. I'm likin' this!


Sharon Falduto said...

9 o'clock at NIGHT?

Anonymous said...

okay, where did you get these sweat pants for short people?! rena