Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fresh Start

I am on Facebook nearly every day.

Due to popular demand (?), I am trying to be on Twitter more often. By "popular demand," I mean friends kept talking about it, and my curiosity got the better of me, so I check it at least once a week and try to put something clever on there.

I became a Pinterest Addict for a while and had to simmer down, because I was pinning more projects and ideas than I could even recall, and I would like to actually *do* the things that I was pinning.

But I have completely ignored this blog. Which is just a bummer. I like reading other people's blogs. I like writing.

So we'll see if I can try to come here at least once a week with some story. I should have plenty to talk about.

I've really been into crafts lately. Really, I've always been into art and creating something super-cool out of something totally mundane. But lately, I've really been into creating cool t-shirts, skirts, scarves or purses out of old ugly t-shirts and sweaters. So I should take the extra step of taking photos and document what I do on here. I even got a sewing machine for Christmas so my stuff will look EXTRA cool and be even MORE fun to make!

I'm totes excited.

Yes, I said totes.

On top of that, I am really excited about a gift that I got that is called Boom Boom Cards. Essentially, it is a stack of nearly 30 cards, each with an act of kindness written on them. I need to do each of the nice things (for example, buy a cup of coffee for a stranger) and then register the card online at , tell my story about that specific act of kindness, then find someone to give the card to who I know will do it and register the card and pass it on to someone else.... you see? So then we can track these cards online and see who they touch and follow their stories.

I think it's pretty awesome! Most of the acts are simple things that I like to THINK I do daily or have done before. Put change in someone's empty parking meter. Ignore the cell phone during a conversation (I never answer if I'm out with friends, unless we're expecting another friend to join us). Hold the door open every time I have the opportunity.

Then there is one that I'm really excited about, because I always *think* about doing it, but never have. "Write a letter to that teacher or mentor who inspired, motivated or transformed you; thank them for their influence on your life." Since I was, like, 15 I've wanted to write letters to my most influential teachers and then assumed they wouldn't remember me. But now I figure, what does it matter if they remember me? What matters is that I remember them and they spent their life devoting their time to students. I should let them know it mattered to someone. So that will be fun. Then I'll need to find someone who I know will do it AND will register the card AND will pass it on to someone... I feel like that will be the hardest part!

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