Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Me? An adult?

So I'm excited about my evening plans. I will be going out for coffee with a new friend that I made at the television station. She's easy-going, intelligent, and best of all, really funny. I have a great time talking to her.

What I find hard to grasp is that I am her "adult escape" from her three children, ages 1-7. I totally get what she means, because I've heard all moms talk about reaching that point where their social life ranges from their 12-year-old babysitter to any quick conversation they can manage to exchange with other busy moms while sleepy children tug at their shirts when they pick them up from friends' homes.

It's just... me? The adult escape? Would I have been The Chosen One if she knew that my favorite pajamas pants are scattered with Care Bears? Or that I was just cleaning my apartment... while performing Sarah Bareilles to my adoring fans of Logan the dog and framed photographs? That I traveled to St. Louis for my birthday with my husband... and my stuffed rabbit who has gone on every vacation but one since I was 7-years-old?

What, exactly, constitutes an adult, anyway? I did just turn 26, which I'm not very happy about, but at least I have that going for me if I need evidence that I'm an adult. When I think of an adult, I think of Barack Obama, for instance. I just don't think he sleeps in Care Bear pajama pants, performs Stevie Wonder to his photographs, and travels all over the country with his childhood toy. He lets loose, I'm sure, but in an adult-like way. Like, he relaxes in lounge pants, tells witty jokes and bobs his head to good music. That's letting loose like an adult.

Dictionary.com says that an adult is someone who is fully grown (um) or developed or of age. I guess that counts. But as an adjective, it says "having attained full size (um) and strength; grown up; mature." I'm just not so sure I fit the adjective. I guess my friend is willing to settle for the noun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, sometimes adults sleep with stuffed pigs. I'm just sayin'.
