Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Catching up

I've been busy with a lot of fun things lately.

I turned 27, an age that sounds shockingly high and I'm not sure how I got here so soon, but also an age that I used to think sounded so cool. So I guess I'm okay with being here.

The Husband gave me a surprise birthday dinner with my best friend, her boyfriend and my brother on my birthday. My first surprise party! That was awesome... and a surprise gift, which was tickets to my second most favorite pop singer--Britney Spears. My first favorite is Christina Aguilera. I was so excited I laaaaughed and had tears in my eyes. Silly me.

So we enjoyed that and were in the online edition of the Register because I made a silly homemade shirt. hee

The weekend after that, I went to Kansas City to celebrate The Husband's 29th birthday. I'm more stunned that he's actually 29 than that I'm 27! It's just, I met him when he was 19... right around this time of year. How is it that I can say I've known him for 10 years?? Anyway, we went to KC and stayed at his brother's girlfriends house and had an AMAZING weekend. He and his brother went to a KC football game while the girlfriend and I had coffee and went window shopping. If you have never heard of Anthropologie, it's about time you learn. That store is A-MA-ZING. I could have spent the whole day there. The sold clothes and accessories, home decor, books... the works. They even had THE MOST adorable hardware for your dressers or cabinets or whatever you want! Loved. it. We had a great time.

The weekend after that, we stayed in town and enjoyed a good ol' BBQ with my best friend and her boyfriend. I love that I've known this girl since I was 11. We did middle school, high school AND college together. We even lived together for a year. They say don't live with your best friend, but we didn't have a problem. That year is a blur now, so it surprises me when I can say, "Remember when we lived together and we'd hide the pinata and fake dog poop for the other to find? That was funny."

Aw, inside jokes.

Anyway, it was nice to have a night in with them. We ended up watching a few episodes of Punky Brewster. I remember ADORING Punky Brewster back in the day, but I didn't remember a thing that we saw!! Except how Punky dressed and what she and the foster dad looked like. Back in the day, though, I loved Punky so much that I had Punky Brewster shoes. They were basically tri-colored converses.

Oh, sometime last month and last weekend I got to go to musicals and critique them in my quest to be a freelance writer. Please don't judge my freelance writing skills based on this ol' thing. The musicals were amazing... writing about them was HARD, but fun. I hope this opportunity leads to something in my career at some point. I need to find more opportunities and make myself better known. This is a big town when it comes to the arts. Lots of competition, BUT certainly I can dig up lots of opportunities. Really, I don't feel like opportunities necessarily come to you (although this one did ~thanks Sharon~). I feel like you create your own opportunities.

So now I've summed up September. Next up: I have a brain appointment and no expectations. I have no clue what we're going to discuss. The day after that, I'm going to be in the homecoming parade (yay!!). And that evening, I may find out if I'm going to be a juror next week.

*dramatic music*

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